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We believe that all Christians should consider themselves ministers of Chris and seek to know the will of God concerning their appropriate avenues of service.  Everyone has their own unique set of gifts to use for Shining His Light and Sharing His Love.  No matter age, gender or gifting – each person needs to nurture and grown their relationship with God and our responsibility is to provide an atmosphere where that is fostered.

Teen ministry

Teens are preparing for their entry into adulthood and our desire is for them to be equipped and empowered through the Spirit to have wisdom and discernment founded in God's word.  We have Sunday school classes starting Oct 4th and an annual 30 Hour Famine event for teens to participate in.

Kid's Ministry

Our little ones are the future of our church and are to be held in high esteem!  We currently provide Jr Church during service time twice a month and starting October 4th  Life Groups & Sunday School will begin for the fall.

Teen study group
Women's Ministry

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

We are a community of women focused on encouraging and building one another up in our relationships with Christ.  We do not have specific groups solely for women though many do participate in a group called LED “Ladies of Encouragement & Discipleship” with other women across Maine.

Life Groups

We are all learning and growing on this journey of life.  We focus on life groups as they are a community where life change occurs through building authentic relationships.  God said “It is not good for man to be alone.”  That is why we do life together!  We are starting a new 10 week Life Group session September 8th

Life Groups sessions:

In Person -  Sundays at 11am

Zoom Group - Thursdays at 6pm


Community Support

12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:12-13

God’s desire us for us to go out into the world.  We strive to be an asset to our community through various outreach.  For information on events or upcoming outreach opportunities check the Events page.

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